• What Learning Looks Like – Messy and Dirty

    What Learning Looks Like – Messy and Dirty

    I feel impressed to share an example of what learning looks like. Learning can come from observing others learn. It is a process. This happens a lot as a parent and it is important to acknowledge that my learning comes « … read more … »

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  • Enduring Until the End

    Enduring Until the End

    I have been putting this off for weeks now, but have decided that I need the creative outlet to release some of the tension and stress that has been building for the past several months. See 2020 and 2021 were « … read more … »

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  • When frustrations rise…

    When frustrations rise…

    I was anxious and nervous about returning to my seemingly never-ending journey in the pursuit of finishing my Bachelor’s degree this September. I was not sure what it was. It had been roughly 18 months since I had actively studied « … read more … »

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  • I am back in school…

    I am back in school…

    Many of you know that I started my pathway to return to school this fall (this past September). I have a variety of options because I am not a horrible student by any stretch of the imagination, however, funds are « … read more … »

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  • Cooking makes it better

    Cooking makes it better

    There are some things that you cannot will away no matter how much you try, for those you just have to cope. COPE How do I cope when things get a little rockier than I expect? I get busier than « … read more … »

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  • Good-bye, Nancy!

    Today was a sad day. Today I learned that my Aunt Nancy passed away. Today I learned that my Aunt Nancy lost her valiant battle with cancer. Today heaven welcomed another angel home. As sad as I was, I was « … read more … »

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  • Lance gets new glasses

    Lance gets new glasses

    About a month ago now, we had an unfortunate incident where Lance’s glasses got broken. They were even on his face. The funniest part about this is the incident involved my hand and smacking him in the face.  We were « … read more … »

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  • I didn’t make it home

    I didn’t make it home

    I tried to leave Salt Lake City, Utah. I tried to go home. I left for the airport.    It was snowing lightly when I left Aunt Maude and Uncle Cordell’s house. You can’t see it in the picture, but « … read more … »

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  • Travel home day!

    Travel home day!

    I woke up this morning feeling better about dropping Andrew off at the MTC. I will be honest, that was hard. This morning, however, I am better. Time eases that deep knowledge that I have that I am going to « … read more … »

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  • I am going to miss him

    I am going to miss him

    Today is travel day to Salt Lake City. Today is the first leg of Andrew’s next milestone – mission! I would be lying if I was not a little sad. I am. My heart hurts because I am going to « … read more … »

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  • Ditched the sponges

    Ditched the sponges

    I ditched the sponges a couple of months ago. I got tired of chasing them in the sink. I got tired of the smell. I got tired of them being dirty. I got tired of replacing them. What really got « … read more … »

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  • Parting pictures

    Parting pictures

    These are probably some of the last pictures I will personally take of my oldest son, Andrew, in such a “posed” setting. He needed a wallet sized picture of himself from the waist up to send with some paperwork to « … read more … »

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  • Proud of Andrew

    Proud of Andrew

    I had a very proud moment today. Even as parents of adults we get to have those moments although they seem to be more infrequent. Sometimes it takes a little while to get to those “proud” moments, but if you « … read more … »

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  • Great knitting resource

    Great knitting resource

    So my oldest son’s (Andrew) girlfriend (Emily) taught the youngest kids to knit over Thanksgiving. I have to say that she has a lot more patience than I do sometimes. It is not that I did not want to teach « … read more … »

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  • They would not let me…

    They would not give me a complete copy of Kyle’s entire school records folder so when they stepped out of the room to go copy what they were willing to copy, I took advantage of the situation. Take that Klein « … read more … »

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  • Dinner inspiration

    When you are on the count down to moving day, dinner time becomes rather interesting. I have pulled these things out of the freezer and they are in the sink semi-defrosting before they get thrown in the fridge for defrosting « … read more … »

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  • One last concert, one last good-bye!

    Kyle had one more concert. It gave him an opportunity to get in one more good-bye.  He is going to miss all these people. Mostly he is going to miss Mr. Ledford. He will miss Ms. Twing too. She was « … read more … »

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  • Fairwell, awesome orchestra director!

    There are some people in your life that leave an impression. Then there are some people in your life that leave an impression so impressive that it will never be eroded away even with the tests of time. This is « … read more … »

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  • Today’s rain adventure

    The rain has been relentless in the greater Houston area the past week. It has not let up much for very long.  This is what I drove into after picking Kyle up from school today. I picked him up about « … read more … »

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  • Lance’s almost last day of school

    Today is almost Lance’s last day of school. He has a couple more days to go. No, Lance cannot get in the car like a normal person. It is all in – bulldozer plow! This is my goofy Lance.  Look « … read more … »

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  • I made a pattern using CAD

    “I made a pattern using CAD” is a statement that may not seem important to some people in the world, but to me, it is a huge accomplishment. Most importantly, this pattern fits me. It is not perfect and it « … read more … »

  • Compilation of Readings

    The thought occurred to me this week that I should make a compilation of all of the readings I have done to complete my REL 333 Capstone Practicum Project. Why? Because this is what learning is – utilizing resources to « … read more … »

  • Air Conditioning and Education

    Today I am grateful for air conditioning. I am not going to lie, the height of summer in Texas is not when you want it to go out – ever – but that is when it seems to happen. How does « … read more … »

  • I have something resembling real pattern pieces

    Getting to this point in the “jacket recreation project” in my APD 290 CAD Pattern Making class feels incredible! Not going to lie, it has taken me a lot of hours to get to this point, and seeing something that « … read more … »

  • The garden is thriving on neglect

    I had every intention to plant a garden this year. Life had other plans for me. It has been one thing after another since August 2023 and I have not had the stamina to keep up with everything I need « … read more … »

  • Learning is Teaching

    Part of the learning process is sharing or teaching what you know to others. Learning does not exist in a vacuum. Rather, it is cyclical – I think. I am not an expert, but I know that seeing someone else « … read more … »

  • I made a pattern using CAD

    “I made a pattern using CAD” is a statement that may not seem important to some people in the world, but to me, it is a huge accomplishment. Most importantly, this pattern fits me. It is not perfect and it « … read more … »

  • Compilation of Readings

    The thought occurred to me this week that I should make a compilation of all of the readings I have done to complete my REL 333 Capstone Practicum Project. Why? Because this is what learning is – utilizing resources to « … read more … »

  • Air Conditioning and Education

    Today I am grateful for air conditioning. I am not going to lie, the height of summer in Texas is not when you want it to go out – ever – but that is when it seems to happen. How does « … read more … »

  • I have something resembling real pattern pieces

    Getting to this point in the “jacket recreation project” in my APD 290 CAD Pattern Making class feels incredible! Not going to lie, it has taken me a lot of hours to get to this point, and seeing something that « … read more … »

  • The garden is thriving on neglect

    I had every intention to plant a garden this year. Life had other plans for me. It has been one thing after another since August 2023 and I have not had the stamina to keep up with everything I need « … read more … »

  • Learning is Teaching

    Part of the learning process is sharing or teaching what you know to others. Learning does not exist in a vacuum. Rather, it is cyclical – I think. I am not an expert, but I know that seeing someone else « … read more … »