
This work has been created for personal, educational, and business purposes.

Emphasis is on design. Other resources are included.

It is a collection of projects and writings to establish skills as a business owner and designer.

The above portfolio sections help walk you through who I am as the designer, the coursework I have completed, career-related work, resources I find useful, as well as areas of professional development.

Under “The Designer” you will find my career goals, resume, and a link to my business, Stacey Sansom Designs.

Coursework” includes the majority of work completed by myself, either individually or as a group member, while studying at Brigham Young University – Idaho (BYU-I).

The section “Career Work” links to galleries of completed work as a business owner. Please note that the focus of the business changed industries in 2018 and there are potential gaps in the work timeline.

It is essential to stay up to date or valid in any industry, under “Resources” you will find a variety of sources that I have found useful relating to the fashion industry, business, marketing, etc.

As an extension of this, “Professional Development” includes any awards, certificates, or memberships that help further my development and growth as a designer and business owner.