First day of summer vacation

Well the first day of summer vacation is one of mixed emotions.

First, I spent a good chunk of the day cleaning the house to some degree or another, getting it ready for an invasion of extra kids. This meant, cleaning at least 2 bathrooms though I did clean 3 toilets. This also meant that Kyle would be cleaning his bedroom. He had gotten a good start, but alas it wasn’t done yet. He did manage to get it done today.

I whacked my knuckle a few days ago while working on the shower. I think it has gotten a touch of infection in it. ๐Ÿ™ Ouch! I’m cleaning it real good with hydrogen peroxide and using some antibiotic ointment on it to see if I can get it to clear up quick. It hurts to put any pressure on it or to apply pressure to something else with my finger. It will put a delay in finishing the shower, but it just hurts too much.

I spent the afternoon making sure that Andrew was packed for Scout Camp. The list was not all inclusive and sure made a lot open for personal interpretation. Evidently true day to day clothes are optional as long as you have shoes, socks, and pajamas.

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